Today is the end op a chapter, namely the chapter to save money to buy equipment for my electronics hobby 🙂
It did take me a few years to buy soldering stations/digital power supplies, oscilloscopes, logic analysers, function generators, CNC millers/routers, 3D printers (traditional AND resin-based), laser CNC etc …
Today was the icing on the cake, when my spectrum analyser arrived, an Owon XSA815-TG. (Where TG stands for tracking generator) This baby measures from 9 Hz to 1.5 Ghz.
I doubted between this Owon and a Rigol with almost the same specifications, but the Owon comes with a 9″ 1280×800 screen, has a faster response time
(which you clearly see in the screen “redrawing” if you put it next to the Rigol), and as a bonus is a bit cheaper than the Rigol 🙂
Today is also the start of a new chapter, a chapter that marks my new start with my electronics hobby.
With all these new “toys”, AND the room to install & use all this new materials, I hope my electronic projects reach a new/higher level of complexity …

I also bought a thermal image camera, an HT-04D …