Aah, Christmas and New Year, a time of presents, a time of love …
Here is an overview of the things that Christel and I bought for each other

Märklin set 41353 and 26360. (I bought set 26360 without a locomotive, because I already have 2 of these locomotives)

Marklin set 49570 + 6 Loksound & 6 FX decoders, 100 couplers (E115737) and 2 ESU speakers.

Trix 21263 (already converted to 3-rail, with switchable interior lights (via FX decoder) and Marklin 33621
(already converted with Loksound 5, so we have sound, front-lights / bright big light / cabine-light and number-lights, all separately switchable)

Aah, finally, my long awaited Marklin 42470 set, from a pre-order, arrived on December 30th

And, a picture from inside the box, the beautiful Edelweis Orient Express carriages …
The Amtrak set is actually for Christel, she is into American trains.
But besides this, I bought nice clothes, white ankle boots, and some jewelry for Christel

A neckless and ear-rings from Swarovski, in a nice box of roses.

And a nice bracelet, also from Swarovski …
We wish you a beautiful 2024, with lots of good health, love, friendship and joy …