The RPI400 is a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB memory, build into a keyboard. (actually the same idea as the Commodore 64,
some decades ago, but more compact and more powerful)
The RPI400 is ideal to do some development with this all-in-one machine. Besides the fact that the RPI is build into a keyboard,
it also does have the following properties:
– 3 USB-A connections
– 1 USB-C connection (that is used to power the RPI, 5V/3A)
– 1 network connection
– Built-in Bluetooth and WiFi (even 5 Ghz !)
– 2 microHDMI connections, for up to 2x 4K screens
– SD-card slot
– The well-known 40-pins connector. (it is on it side, so some RPI Hats will not fit !)