During our holidays of 2010, we mainly visited Germany, and lots of (model)railroad related “things to see” …
This is a list of places (non railroad related) we visited:
The castle of Neuschwanstein
The waterfalls of Triberg
Museum of clocks in Furtwangen
Large cuckoo clocks in Triberg and Schonach
The villages of Schonach and Gengenbach
Vogtsbauerenhof in Sommerberg
Glass-blowing factory “Dorotheenhutte” in Wolfach
A Silvermine “Silbergrube Segen Gottes” in Wolfach
Märklin factory tour visit in Göppingen
Furthermore, we also visited several (model)railroad related things:
Due to the large amount of pictures, every of these items did get there own postings.
- Faller factory in Gutenbach
- Modelrailroad in Merklingen
- Miniland in Munchen
- Schauswanzlebahn in Blumberg
- Schwarswaldbahn in Hausach