2022 has been a very busy year at work. 2023 may be even more busy !
But this will not prevent me from posting lots of new topics 🙂
2023 will be the year of my new hobby-room / music-room / modelrailroad-room !
You can follow along the build of this (that will probably start mid January 2023)
In my free time, I mainly have been busy with implementing Home Assistant.
That’s also why I added a section “Home Assistant” to my blog, to have everything HA-related,
grouped together 🙂
I’m stuborn and I always have my own toughts, resulting in a Home Assistant instance,
that is a “bit different” then the usual instances 🙂
(don’t let the screenshots fool you, there is quiet a bit of interesting “different” logic behind it)
I will post lots of guides and how-to’s …
To tease you a bit, here are some screenshots of the dashboards, as shown on an iPad 🙂