While using ESP32 for Loconet, we have WIFI onboard our microcontroller module.
So, why not use it for wireless Loconet ?
You could use one ESP32 as a “gateway”, that does the actual communication with the wired part of your Loconet,
and converts the data and sends it over WIFI to the connected modules.
You could use a broadcoast message, to get the Loconet message delivered to all ESP32 modules at the same time,
but broadcasting is slower then directly sending the correct value to the correct ESP32 module.
But how do we to that ?
Actually very simple, just write a configuration-tool for the “gateway”, where you can define ranges of Loconet addresses,
and link them to an IP-address of an ESP32 module, so that every ESP32 only receives messages, destined for him …
Stay tuned for my complete solution …