As you already may know, I got a second resin 3D printer, an Anycubic Mono X. (as a second birthday present from Christel)
Because this machines prints more then 5 times faster, and also has a bigger “printing plate”, I started doing
some testing/experiments, and also started some new projects in the meanwhile.
(despite the delay this puts on the LocoMotion project)
1. 2 test objects: a bowl and a gummi bear in Voronoi style.
2. a bunch of VW beetles in HO (1/87) scale.
3. a bunch of VW T1 busses, also in HO (1:87) scale.
4. 20x Otmm61/Otmm64 wagons (HO – 1:87), fully usable ! (with couplers and wheels from Märklin)
I still need to paint them, and create waterslide decals for it.
A ghost-white tone now gives me the possibility to really print white on the transparant waterslide decals !
5. A 3D print of the Parktor Speckenbüttel in Bremerhaven, of course also printed in HO, what did you expect ? 🙂
6. Some “lightbulbs”, on which I’m going to install individual addressable bright RGB LEDs. (for our garden mood lighting)
7. My daughter, Anaïs, made this Resin K & C (that stands for Kris & Christel), for our new car keys !
8. A picture of my future project: Offs 59-Laaes 541 transporter cars for my modelrailroad.
(I ordered the plans online from Dieter Hettler – Birkenweg 22 Waldesch – Germany)