We are big fans of new technology, gadgets and electronic devices.
From time to time, we buy something new.
This is the place where we would like to inform you about our newest “toys”…
(Hey, this site is called “DigitalPlayground” after all !)
- March 15, 2025: 2 new macbooks
- February 14, 2025: Valentine 2025
- February 4, 2025: A new backup NAS - Synology DS 124
- December 24, 2024: Christmas - A new mobile phone - iPhone 16 Pro Max
- August 4, 2024: Surfans F28 - a Digital Audio Player
- August 4, 2024: Soundcraft UI24R - digital mixer
- August 3, 2024: The end AND start of a chapter 🙂
- March 15, 2024: A 32:9 wide screen - Samsung LS57CG952NUXEN
- July 15, 2023: A whole bunch of new electronic equipment *UPDATED, July 15, 2023*
- July 9, 2023: RPI Zero W - DMX/OLA
- July 9, 2023: RPI 400
- July 9, 2023: HA - switching from RPI4 to Odroid N2+
- July 9, 2023: Okdo Rock 5B - better then a RPI4 ?
- July 8, 2023: Ultra-wide/regular touchscreens
- July 8, 2023: Dyson V15 Detect Absolute - Vacuum cleaner
- July 8, 2023: Bosch WTH83001FG - Dryer
- July 8, 2023: Bosch SMS8YCI03E - Dishwasher
- July 2, 2023: Asus Vivobook 17 X1702ZA-AU045W-BE AZERTY
- December 17, 2022: Time for a new year and a lot of new postings !
- May 4, 2022: STM32 !!!
- March 26, 2022: ESP32-Cam (and AZ-Touch as display)
- March 26, 2022: HA - Sonoff NSPanel+ESPHome+Home Assistant+Nextion
- March 26, 2022: Xojo - a multi-platform development environment
- November 10, 2021: Our new garden
- November 4, 2021: Happy Birthday Christel 🙂
- October 2, 2021: A new AV-receiver - Denon AVR-S650H
- July 11, 2021: Some 3D printed projects in resin
- July 11, 2021: Spending money 🙂
- April 3, 2021: Another birthday present / LocoMotion delay
- February 11, 2021: LocoMotion - the secret revealed 🙂
- December 25, 2020: Happy holidays 🙂
- December 6, 2020: iPad Prod 12.9" - Happy (early) Christmas, Kris !
- November 4, 2020: Ipad Air 10.9" - Happy Birthday Christel !
- August 17, 2020: Use Elgato Stream Deck with QLC+
- August 7, 2020: A new iPhone (XR) for Christel
- June 27, 2020: New Mac Mini - DIY memory-upgrade + 3x 4K screens
- May 1, 2020: Our new printer
- May 1, 2020: Our new washing machine
- May 1, 2020: Our new 4K beamer
- April 19, 2020: Anycubic Photon S - first results *UPDATED, May, 9th - 2020*
- April 13, 2020: Another *different* 3D printer ! (SLA/DLP)
- December 22, 2017: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ! *UPDATED, December, 30th - 2017*
- July 24, 2016: A new cabinet for my H0 Märklin trains 🙂
- April 3, 2016: Happy Birthday to me - a very nice birthday-present 🙂
- November 14, 2015: Our 3th 3D printer - a Prusa i3 DIY kit
- November 14, 2015: Selfmade mini (PCB) CNC milling machine *UPDATED, April 28th - 2016*
- June 7, 2015: A new toy: Playstation 4 (+3D printed holder/charger for controllers)
- March 22, 2015: Christmas: RGB LEDs & 3D print *UPDATED, May 9th - 2015*
- February 22, 2015: RGB LED matrixes ! FUN - FUN - FUN *UPDATED, March 15th - 2015*
- December 31, 2014: LED-ring for digital photography
- October 5, 2014: Some new photo equipment
- August 13, 2014: A 3D mouse (for Solidworks)
- August 13, 2014: Some 3D printing projects *UPDATED, August 17th - 2014*
- August 8, 2014: Intel NUC - D54250WYK OSX + Win 2012 R2 Server *UPDATED, August 13th - 2014*
- April 18, 2014: Some 3D printed things ... *UPDATED, May 7th - 2014*
- January 27, 2014: Very early birthday present ! *UPDATED, February 17th - 2014*
- December 26, 2013: Our Christmas 2013 - a little report 🙂
- November 15, 2013: A free week - lots of new stuff 🙂
- November 4, 2013: New macbook Pro 15" Retina with Haswell processor
- October 12, 2013: new IPAD / 3D camera / homemade LED matrix
- August 22, 2013: Ambilight up-and-running (with HDMI, no PC needed !)
- July 12, 2013: Some new electronics to learn/play with ... (for the KöF 5 1/4")
- July 1, 2013: To weld or not to weld, that's the question !
- July 1, 2013: A new NAS, mediaplayers and other "related" new things
- June 3, 2013: Christels' new Macbook Pro 15" with Retina display
- April 21, 2013: Leap Motion: a new way to interact with your PC !
- April 7, 2013: 2 new FPGA boards for me: Xilinx Atlys and Xilinx Nexys2
- February 17, 2013: Valentine present: A new TV in the bathroom for Christel
- February 15, 2013: Valentine present: a XC3S500E Xilinx FPGA dev board for Kris
- October 22, 2012: Early Christmas present ! (Lathe + extras)
- July 12, 2012: a better view - 3D FullHD beamer + mediaplayer
- June 12, 2012: Raspberry Pi and Gooseberry board
- March 11, 2012: Early Birthday present (CO2 50W laser CNC)
- January 29, 2012: Late pictures of our Christmas presents
- December 6, 2011: Saint-Nicolas came by
- September 24, 2011: An Apple imac 27" for Kris
- June 15, 2011: A bunch of new "toys" ...
- April 22, 2011: Home automation - my own hardware !
- December 9, 2010: Christmas presents already known 🙂
- December 9, 2010: Coolest gadget I discovered this year - O2 Joggler
- April 15, 2010: Home automation software
- December 6, 2009: Märklin globe in cabinet with twinkling stars
- November 4, 2009: The cyborgs are here - Happy Birthday Christel 🙂
- September 19, 2009: a new lens for our Nikon DSLR
- August 1, 2009: A whole bunch of new "high-tech" stuff !
- March 26, 2009: Ultrasonic cleaner
- February 15, 2009: Our (current) robotics collection
- February 15, 2009: A brand new home-cinema receiver
- February 15, 2009: Byebye Telenet, hello TV-vlaanderen
- July 6, 2008: GPS logger / photo tagging
- June 19, 2008: A new photo-camera - DSLR - Nikon D60
- February 2, 2005: *Venatio* - the movie !
- January 15, 2001: Lego Mindstorms Vision Command ActiveX