Since a little kid, I was fascinated by electricity and electronics.
Later, when I became an “adult”, I learned myself the “ins and outs” of electronics.
(Mostly digital electronics, I find analog electronics still to difficult)
From what I learned, all electronic-components are filled with, and work on, magic smoke.
Once the magic smoke comes out of the component, the component will no longer work as expected.
The magic smoke is the most important ingredient inside a component 🙂
- March 15, 2025: Modifying firmware for Märklin CS3
- August 3, 2024: The end AND start of a chapter 🙂
- December 18, 2023: Use 12V COB LEDstrip for H0 passenger carriages
- July 15, 2023: A whole bunch of new electronic equipment *UPDATED, July 15, 2023*
- July 9, 2023: Converting the A500 Mini to an Amiga 4000 (with WB 3.1)
- July 9, 2023: RPI 400
- July 8, 2023: Ultra-wide/regular touchscreens
- July 2, 2023: Pico (W) - Picomite
- July 2, 2023: Pico (W) - Waveshare evaluation board
- July 2, 2023: Pico (W) - DVI Sock & Pimoroni DV Demo Base
- July 1, 2023: The Agon Light (2) - a Z80 computer
- June 4, 2023: Building a Z80-MBC3 standalone computer
- December 17, 2022: Time for a new year and a lot of new postings !
- May 4, 2022: STM32 !!!
- March 27, 2022: Loconet - Part V - Wireless Loconet
- March 27, 2022: Loconet - Part IV - More powerful controller !
- March 27, 2022: Loconet - Part III - Lots of I/O with only a few pins
- March 27, 2022: Loconet - Part II - Stationary sound decoder
- March 26, 2022: Loconet - Part I - Introduction
- March 26, 2022: ESP32-Cam (and AZ-Touch as display)
- March 26, 2022: HA - Sonoff NSPanel+ESPHome+Home Assistant+Nextion
- March 26, 2022: Showing locomotive info on control panels
- November 10, 2021: Our new garden
- February 11, 2021: LocoMotion - the secret revealed 🙂
- December 20, 2020: Digitally controlled pantographs
- December 11, 2020: Converting a Trix 22941 to Märklin 39241
- August 17, 2020: Use Elgato Stream Deck with QLC+
- May 1, 2020: Our new 4K beamer
- April 19, 2020: Anycubic Photon S - first results *UPDATED, May, 9th - 2020*
- April 13, 2020: Another *different* 3D printer ! (SLA/DLP)
- April 5, 2016: 3D printed case for Nixie clock ( *UPDATED, April 9th - 2016*
- November 14, 2015: Selfmade mini (PCB) CNC milling machine *UPDATED, April 28th - 2016*
- March 22, 2015: Christmas: RGB LEDs & 3D print *UPDATED, May 9th - 2015*
- February 22, 2015: RGB LED matrixes ! FUN - FUN - FUN *UPDATED, March 15th - 2015*
- December 14, 2014: ESP8266 - cheap Wifi/Serial module !
- December 6, 2014: Arduino environment with ATTiny + Arduino Mini Pro programming *UPDATED, December 7th - 2014*
- April 18, 2014: Some 3D printed things ... *UPDATED, May 7th - 2014*
- January 27, 2014: Very early birthday present ! *UPDATED, February 17th - 2014*
- November 27, 2013: Arduino Mini Pro and CP2102 USB-to-TTL serial converter
- October 12, 2013: new IPAD / 3D camera / homemade LED matrix
- August 22, 2013: Ambilight up-and-running (with HDMI, no PC needed !)
- August 18, 2013: Open-up those *cheap* MP3 players, and use them in your own electronic projects ...
- August 4, 2013: Download collection for my electronics projects *Updated*
- July 12, 2013: Some new electronics to learn/play with ... (for the KöF 5 1/4")
- May 1, 2013: HBM-BF25 conversion finished - some extras
- April 8, 2013: A new milling machine and a major upgrade of the "machinery-room" ...
- April 7, 2013: 2 new FPGA boards for me: Xilinx Atlys and Xilinx Nexys2
- February 15, 2013: Valentine present: a XC3S500E Xilinx FPGA dev board for Kris
- June 12, 2012: Raspberry Pi and Gooseberry board
- February 8, 2012: Digital Car System
- April 22, 2011: Home automation - my own hardware !
- February 13, 2011: LED controller for momentary switched modelrailroad turnouts
- December 9, 2010: A 6-digit, 7-segment, RGB-LED clock for Christel
- November 15, 2010: Stairs light controller - project on demand
- April 15, 2010: Home automation software
- February 15, 2009: Our (current) robotics collection
- January 30, 2009: Giant 128x64 LED matrix display
- January 15, 2009: Andy hexapod - CNC'ed
- November 1, 2008: Cube@Home - LED cube 8x8x8
- October 1, 2008: Learning electronics by building clocks
- August 1, 2008: Electronic "analog" clock
- August 1, 2008: A bit of history ...
- July 15, 2008: A small RGB LED project, including housing
- April 15, 2000: Lego Mindstorms enhanced CD wall