H0 real working traffic lights

I started building some traffic lights …

A modelrailroad friend of mine, asked me for a solution to control his modelrailroad traffic lights. Because I also need some traffic lights at my new layout, I started building a configurable traffic light controller. We can not only control the main trafficlights for a whole crossroad, but also the lights for the pedestrians 🙂 Everything is configurable to the milli-second, for every possible imaginable traffic-light logic.

Some notes:

  • This device does NOT work on 230V, it only uses 5V. (There is a mini USB 230V to 5V converter in the white plug)
  • the switch on the right side, is screwed into the screw leads, normally it would be wired to a panel.
  • With the switch, you can switch between “regular control” and “blinking yellow” …
  • One would connect traffic lights from the modelrailroad road with wires to the screw connectors.


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4 Responses to H0 real working traffic lights

  1. Franz says:

    it looks really really nice, is it possible to get some files so i try to 3D Print it?
    Im only looking for some traffic light model to print.
    A made a complete Controll for Traffic Lights myself.


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