Monthly Archives: March 2025
Modifying firmware for Märklin CS3
For my Locomotion project, I have the need to read data from the CS3 firmware.This weekend, I (finally) succeeded in doing this !!!Eventually, it seemed more easy than I tought in the first place 🙂 Picture 1: Running my CS3 … Continue reading
Some new modelrailroad additions
During a period of a few months, I bought some nice modelrailroad additions 🙂I finally got the following items in my collection:– Märklin 39889, the BR44 that is part of the Märklineum.– Märklin 39952, the VT 95.9 Rail Bus with … Continue reading
2 new macbooks
Both our macbooks are already 10 years old !(I have 2 of them, my second one is only 3 years old, but it’s a macbook air 13″ which is configured with Ubuntu)So, it was time to buy 2 new macbooks … Continue reading