Monthly Archives: December 2023
Use CS3 and configure S88 sensors in Rocrail
With this tutorial, you will be able to use S88 sensors, connected to an S88 link, that on his turn, is connected to a Märklin CS3.Make sure your CS3 is connected to the same network as your PC with Rocrail, … Continue reading
Christmas presents :-)
Aah, Christmas and New Year, a time of presents, a time of love …Here is an overview of the things that Christel and I bought for each other Märklin set 41353 and 26360. (I bought set 26360 without a … Continue reading
Using S88 (6pin flatcable) with S88link on bus 1 & 2 (CS3)
With my Märklin CS3, I use an S88Link, to use my S88 sensor modules.I have lots and lots of S88 modules, that still use a 6-pin flatcable version, instead of the newer network-cable version. On the S88Link there is however … Continue reading
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
To you, our reader: We wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024,with lots of love, a good health, lots of fun, and may all your wishes came true !I hope you stay reading our blog, … Continue reading
Use DMX in Rocrail (in combination with HA)
I have all my lights in my modelrailroad room connected with DMX.I can control it from within Home Assistant, and since shortly, also from within Rocrail at the same time !(A BIG thank you to Rob Versluis, to update the … Continue reading
Putting all H0 rolling stock back into boxes
This weekend, I did put all H0 rolling stock that was displayed in our living room, back into the original boxes.All trains will be moved to my 2 enormous schadow stations. The idea is to not fiddle around with trains … Continue reading
Use 12V COB LEDstrip for H0 passenger carriages
Until recently, I used regular 12V LEDstrips for my interior lighting inside my H0 passenger carriages.But I was not totally happy with it: sometimes a LED did not sit right above a compartiment,or was even placed on top of the … Continue reading