Category Archives: Electronics
Modifying firmware for Märklin CS3
For my Locomotion project, I have the need to read data from the CS3 firmware.This weekend, I (finally) succeeded in doing this !!!Eventually, it seemed more easy than I tought in the first place 🙂 Picture 1: Running my CS3 … Continue reading
The end AND start of a chapter :-)
Today is the end op a chapter, namely the chapter to save money to buy equipment for my electronics hobby 🙂It did take me a few years to buy soldering stations/digital power supplies, oscilloscopes, logic analysers, function generators, CNC millers/routers, … Continue reading
Use 12V COB LEDstrip for H0 passenger carriages
Until recently, I used regular 12V LEDstrips for my interior lighting inside my H0 passenger carriages.But I was not totally happy with it: sometimes a LED did not sit right above a compartiment,or was even placed on top of the … Continue reading
A whole bunch of new electronic equipment *UPDATED, July 15, 2023*
I’m currently in the preparation-phase of a makeover of my hobby-room.A 40m² space, that I need to share between 3 different hobbies:– My model railroad– My “maker space” (3D printing /lathe / CNC mills and routers / electronic projects)– My … Continue reading
Converting the A500 Mini to an Amiga 4000 (with WB 3.1)
Because a real Amiga 4000 is way to expensive, I bought “The A500 Mini” from RetroGames.This can be easily modified, to run as an A4000 (with WB 3.1), it can even connect to the internet (via WiFi) with little effort, … Continue reading
RPI 400
The RPI400 is a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB memory, build into a keyboard. (actually the same idea as the Commodore 64, some decades ago, but more compact and more powerful)The RPI400 is ideal to do some development with … Continue reading
Ultra-wide/regular touchscreens
Recently I discovered Ultra-wide and a regular touchscreen from WaveShare.They come in 2 flavours:– 11.9 inch (320 x 1480 resolution – 287.3mm x 69.1mm)– 7.9 inch (400 x 1280 resolution – 207.78mm x 69.8mm)– 10.1 inch (1920×1200 resolution – 217.91 … Continue reading
Pico (W) – Picomite
Specifications:-Uses a RPI Pico (W) as the main controller-VGA output 640×480 pixels monochrome or 320×240 pixels in colour mode.-PS2 keyboard input.-Full featured very powerfull BASIC interpreter with floating point,64 bit integers and much more. It executes a program up to … Continue reading
Pico (W) – Waveshare evaluation board
Waveshare evalution board voor Pico (W):– ILI9488: 480×320 3.5″ LCD– XPT2046: Touch controller– WS2818: RGB LED– PCM5101A: Audio interface– ICM-2094: 9-axis Mems motion tracking/3-axis gyro/3-axis accelerometer/3-axis compas– LSF0204: 4-bits Bidirectional Multi-voltage level translator– Buzzer– Photoresistor– SD Card slot This board … Continue reading
Pico (W) – DVI Sock & Pimoroni DV Demo Base
With the DVI Stock and the Pimoroni DV Demo Base, you can send a DVI signal (over HDMI connection) to a connected screen, with a RPI Pico (W)This is perfectly possible with the Arduino IDE.– First, add the Pico boards … Continue reading
The Agon Light (2) – a Z80 computer
Agon light™ is a fully open-source 8-bit microcomputer and microcontroller in one small, low-cost board, built with state-of-the-art 21st-century technology. It has two claims to fame, both of which are substantiated in the next sections. In a nutshell, Agon light™ … Continue reading
Building a Z80-MBC3 standalone computer
Next year, I turn 50. I think I’m having my mid-life crisis !Some people buy a Ferrari or a Harley Davidson, I’m becoming nostalgic about the computer I owned in my childhood … A Commodore 128D ! At school, I … Continue reading
Time for a new year and a lot of new postings !
2022 has been a very busy year at work. 2023 may be even more busy !But this will not prevent me from posting lots of new topics 🙂2023 will be the year of my new hobby-room / music-room / modelrailroad-room … Continue reading
STM32 !!!
I recently (re-)discovered STM32 modules 🙂Some years ago, I bought a mini STM32 V3 board (with a screen) for using it with Robert Evers MRDCC II(to control my modelrailroad).In the meanwhile, those STM32 modules became more and more powerful, and … Continue reading
Loconet – Part V – Wireless Loconet
While using ESP32 for Loconet, we have WIFI onboard our microcontroller module.So, why not use it for wireless Loconet ?You could use one ESP32 as a “gateway”, that does the actual communication with the wired part of your Loconet, and … Continue reading
Loconet – Part IV – More powerful controller !
While the Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega is “enough” for most projects, sometimes you need something more powerfull … In my case, I always grab an ESP32.Let’s begin with a comparison, ESP32 has a much more powerfull microcontroller AND has … Continue reading
Loconet – Part III – Lots of I/O with only a few pins
Number of pins, you always have less pins available on your microcontroller, then you want …There is actually a simple solution for this, and the magic word is “I2C”.The I2C protocol let us communicate with other “devices”, over only 2 … Continue reading
Loconet – Part II – Stationary sound decoder
I still had some DFRobot Mini MP3 player modules laying around.A stationary sound decoder, based on Loconet on one hand, and these MP3 player modules on the other hand, became to emerge as a new project. Those MP3 modules are … Continue reading
Loconet – Part I – Introduction
No, this has nothing to do with LocoMotion (which I will continue in the future for sure …)Loconet is a protocol, designed by DigiTrax. Simply said, in a few words:Loconet can be seen as a “network topology” for modelrailroading.Modules are … Continue reading
ESP32-Cam (and AZ-Touch as display)
While in my search for a cheap video monitoring system, I came across the ESP32-CAM.This is a very tiny and cheap camera (OV2640) with a max resolution of 1600×1200, with an ESP32 as the main “controller” of this “system”. (for … Continue reading
HA – Sonoff NSPanel+ESPHome+Home Assistant+Nextion
While in my constant search for “better” home automation, I stumbled upon the Sonoff NSPanel.I already use several Sonoff devices, and with a Tasmota firmware ( )flashed on it, they do exactly what I want. (and are of course … Continue reading
Showing locomotive info on control panels
While my new layout will be bigger then my current one, I will start to use some control panels.You know control panels, with a graphical representation of (a part of) your model consists mostly out of “lines”, “switches” and … Continue reading
Our new garden
Well, in september we had 3 weeks of holidays. Due to Covid, it was best to stay home, and since our garden was not “maintained” during several years (Due to my health issues), and since I feel better, we decided … Continue reading
LocoMotion – the secret revealed :-)
Today I want to announce a major modelrailroad project ! Last Christmas, I got an Esu Ecos II as a present. Because I do own a lot of MFX locomotives, I needed a central command station that could handle MFX,MM-I,MM-II,MM-FX, … Continue reading
Digitally controlled pantographs
Since a short time, I do own a Märklin e-locomotive with digitally controlled pantographs.Because I do own quiet some e-locomotives, I wanted to be able to control the pantographs of all these locomotives. This weekend I created a prototype of … Continue reading
Converting a Trix 22941 to Märklin 39241
A few years ago, Märklin released model of Serie 241-A, SNCF, one of the biggest steam-locomotives in Europe. At the time of release, I was ill for a long time (in hospital, in a coma, re-animated 3 times etc … … Continue reading
Use Elgato Stream Deck with QLC+
This is my “proof-of-concept”, that it’s possible to use an Elgato Stream Deck, together with QLC+, no need for the official Elgato software.This POC is written in Python, and communicates with QLC+ via a websocket.If your OS does support Python … Continue reading
Our new 4K beamer
About 8 years ago, we bought a FullHD beamer. This beamer did serve us very well over the years, so we decided to buy an Epson beamer again. This time, it was a 4K beamer. (Our TV provider already does … Continue reading
Anycubic Photon S – first results *UPDATED, May, 9th – 2020*
After delivery a few days ago, it was time to test this new SLA printer. I filled the printer with some green resin, (this resin did came with the printer) and started a test (the anycubic cube …) Because we … Continue reading
Another *different* 3D printer ! (SLA/DLP)
Now that I’m feeling fine again, my life can continue …In the meanwhile SLA/DLP printers became affordable. (a few year ago, prices were still between 5000 and 10000 euro, where it now has dropped to the sub-1000 euro category)So, it … Continue reading
3D printed case for Nixie clock ( *UPDATED, April 9th – 2016*
A few weeks ago, I got the change to buy a nixie-clock kit from Circuitsonline is my favorite (Dutch) electronics online forum 🙂 a nice guy with the nickname ‘Klein Is Fijn” (Thijs), made available a whole bunch of … Continue reading
Selfmade mini (PCB) CNC milling machine *UPDATED, April 28th – 2016*
I already own a Colinbus Profiler portal CNC machine and converted a large/heavy HBM BF-25 to CNC, but al this is a bit “overkill” and/or consumes a lot of time to setup, to only create a printed circuit board. So, … Continue reading
Christmas: RGB LEDs & 3D print *UPDATED, May 9th – 2015*
Due to my health issues, I started early this year with my Christmas light projects … Until a few years ago, we decorated our garden with lots-and-lots of lights during the holiday season. But, because of my health issues, we … Continue reading
RGB LED matrixes ! FUN – FUN – FUN *UPDATED, March 15th – 2015*
I’m still very ill for the moment, but besides working half-time, and spending most of the rest of my time sleeping, I still try to learn some new things 🙂 I got a few RGB LED matrixes for Valentines’ day … Continue reading
ESP8266 – cheap Wifi/Serial module !
I recently purchased a few of those ESP 8266 modules ! They are really small, only needs a few pins to connect to an MCU, and are also very cheap.(about 2,30 euro a piece !) I have lots of ideas … Continue reading
Arduino environment with ATTiny + Arduino Mini Pro programming *UPDATED, December 7th – 2014*
While I picked up my own car-system for the H0 modelrailroad again, I started with the ATTiny IC’s to control the cars. I’m currently switching from RF to IR. I normally use Microchip PICs in my projects, but because the … Continue reading
Some 3D printed things … *UPDATED, May 7th – 2014*
First of all, I have been ill for a very long period, so excuse me for not updating our website frequent enough. First 3D printed pieces – A wobbler engine (air powered) In the meanwhile, I started using the K8200 … Continue reading
Very early birthday present ! *UPDATED, February 17th – 2014*
Christel already ordered my present for my birthday (april 3th) … Because this year, I get something that comes in “kit”-form, and that I need to built together myself, she decided to already order “it” ! Because the building and … Continue reading
Arduino Mini Pro and CP2102 USB-to-TTL serial converter
Hi folks, Just a little note, and a reminder to myself 🙂 No pictures this time, just a simple and brief explanation. I had some unused Arduino mini Pro boards laying around. They contain an Atmel 328p IC, I have … Continue reading
new IPAD / 3D camera / homemade LED matrix
During our holidays, my Acer Iconia Tab gave up … Since I’m becomming more and more an Apple fan, I decided to replace it with a new IPAD 4 with retina display (so, the large one, not the IPAD mini), … Continue reading
Ambilight up-and-running (with HDMI, no PC needed !)
A few years ago, I made an ambi-light, based on a PIC, some ADC controllers, an LM1881, and an bunch of other components. It only worked for a fixed resolution, and used 3 LEDstrips: one for left, one for right, … Continue reading
Open-up those *cheap* MP3 players, and use them in your own electronic projects …
On the 3-rail forum, there is a topic running, about using MP3’s, in conjunction with (model)railroads … I found some cheap MP3 modules on Ebay, a complete MP3-player, for less then 2 Euro ! It comes with an internal battery, … Continue reading
Download collection for my electronics projects *Updated*
During the past 5 years, I designed a whole bunch of electronic projects, You can see a list of all these projects, in the “Electronics” section. I collected all project-files into a few downloads. 1. Home automation related (click here … Continue reading
Some new electronics to learn/play with … (for the KöF 5 1/4″)
For the 5″ KöF, I was looking into an android tablet (that I still had laying around) to control the locomotive. But after a second thought, I decided to create my own custom controller. This gives me the advantage of … Continue reading
HBM-BF25 conversion finished – some extras
The conversion of the HBM BF-25 to CNC is finished ! I added home/limiting switches to all three axes. (X/Y/Z) Due to how Mach3 works, I’m able to control these 3 switches, by one I/O port on the breakout board. … Continue reading
A new milling machine and a major upgrade of the “machinery-room” …
I already got a lathe for Christmas 2012 (somewhere in Oktober !) But, just before Christmas, Christel gave me “permission” to order the BF-25 mill :-)(I should have gotten this machine for my Birthday, in april 2013) On Christmas-day 2012 … Continue reading
2 new FPGA boards for me: Xilinx Atlys and Xilinx Nexys2
I got 2 extra FPGA boards (with some additional breakout boards) I already managed to create Tetris, Pong and a fractal generator, onto these FPGA boards ! Note that you don’t write software for FPGA boards, but you “define” the … Continue reading
Valentine present: a XC3S500E Xilinx FPGA dev board for Kris
Since a long time, I wanted to start with FPGA’s. So, I got an FPGA development set, with lots of additional modules, for my Valentine 🙂 The Dev-board includes a Xilinx Spartan XC3S500E, a JTAG/USB programmer (Xilinx platform USB cable), … Continue reading
Raspberry Pi and Gooseberry board
Since today, I can call myself a proud owner of a Raspberry Pi ! Since the launch in februari 2012, I was hoping to receive an order invitation from RS components. On May, 19th, I finally received my personal invitation … Continue reading
Digital Car System
A while ago, I started thinking about implementing the FallerCarSystem onto my layout. It was clear that I wanted the Digital version, because I want my cars to start/stop very smooth, and not like the standard FCS, which suddenly starts/stops … Continue reading
Home automation – my own hardware !
I started creating my own bus-system, to control via a network connection. (Winsock ?) I have created some basic modules, to start with in the modelrailroad room. But I will certainly create other/extra modules in the future 🙂 Every module … Continue reading
LED controller for momentary switched modelrailroad turnouts
Since a few months, I (and Christel) became proud members of MAG (Modelrailroad Club Agfa Gevaert). For the current modelrailroad project, they were looking for a way to have “control LEDs” on a synopic board, to indicate the position of … Continue reading
A 6-digit, 7-segment, RGB-LED clock for Christel
Aah, finally another nice project 🙂 We already have a green 7-segment LED clock in our living room. Those digits are 10 cm high. Christel asked me to build another clock for the master-bedroom, and it “escalated” a bit 🙂 … Continue reading
Stairs light controller – project on demand
I got a request for a project on demand, and I agreed, because I can also use this device for something else 🙂 A few weeks ago, “someone” asked me to build a stairs-light-controller. He wanted to put 10 bright … Continue reading
Home automation software
In the meanwhile, we did the necessary brainstorming about the “modularity” of this home automation project. We concluded that it is best to divide the system in different logic blocks. These blocks are: @Home Client This application will be a … Continue reading
Our (current) robotics collection
One of my other passions, is robotics. Since I have the necessary “machinery” to build things, I don’t have so much urge to buy robotic kits anymore. (I create my own things now => Check out the topic about Andy … Continue reading
Giant 128×64 LED matrix display
As you would have allready guessed from previous projects, I really love LEDs ! No Really, I really do ! (and even this is still an understatement) I allways wanted a giant LED display, to hang on the frontwall of … Continue reading
Andy hexapod – CNC’ed
Since I have a CnC machine, and I needed some practice with servo’s for my home automation projects, I decided it was time for a little “fun” project. Inspired by some forum-threads at, I made a hexapod, completely from … Continue reading
Cube@Home – LED cube 8x8x8
I have seen lots of LED cubes on different blogging sites in the past. Actually, I saw so many of them, that I decided to create my own. The result is a LED-cube with 8x8x8 LEDs (8 LEDs in every … Continue reading
Learning electronics by building clocks
On of the first things I learned in my self-study of electronics, was building clocks. The main circuit to maintain the clock, is mostly the same in all projects. (using a DS1820 RTC, backup battery and precision 32 Khz oscillator) … Continue reading
Electronic “analog” clock
Not really “fully analog”, but getting close to it … With analog I actually mean a clock with a number-plate and hours/minutes arrows … This is also one of those “could I do it ?”-projects. I wanted to see if … Continue reading
A bit of history …
As long as I can remember, I had a great interest in electronics and mechanics. When I was a young kid, I did take everything apart, to see how things work ! Hey, I’m from 1974, we didn’t have discovery-channel … Continue reading
A small RGB LED project, including housing
After a period of “building clocks”, it was time to move on … While spending our holidays all troughout Germany in 2007, We also visited Legoland, were they can laser-engrave a 3D picture in an acrylic block. We decided to … Continue reading
Lego Mindstorms enhanced CD wall
This is one of those exception postings (there are three of them) Because the old website where this belongs, does no longer exists, I decided to add these to our blog, dated before the start of in 2008 … … Continue reading