Category Archives: LocoMotion
LocoMotion – the build : CS3 *UPDATED INFO*
I finally unraffeled the “mistery” of communicating with the CS3. This page is dedicated to all this information First of all, both CS2 and CS3 speaks the same language. They both use the CANbus to setup communication between different … Continue reading
Another birthday present / LocoMotion delay
I already got a Märklin CS3 as an early birthday present, somewhere in February. As if this wasn’t enough, I also got a second birthday present ! I got another resin 3D printer. This time is was way bigger and … Continue reading
LocoMotion – the build : progress on the 5″ screen
Today I finally found some time and energy, to start converting LocoMotion from the 3.5″ to the 5″ screen. Because I now have more “screen real-estate”, I made some subtle enhancements while in the progress of the “conversion”. 10 screens … Continue reading
LocoMotion – the build : Aoyue 2703A+ 4-in-1-station *UPDATED, February 27th – 2021*
While sometimes needing a de-soldering station, I managed to get around things, without actually owning a de-soldering station. Until now … A while ago, I stumbled upon the Aoyue 2703A+, a 4-in-1-station !Functions:– de-soldering– Soldering – hot air-gun– fume extraction … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : a bigger screen :-) *UPDATED, February 28th – 2021*
A few days ago, I decided it was time for a “bigger” display.I did find a 5″ screen with 480×800 resolution, with an SSD1963 controller. This screen not only has the advantage of being bigger than my previous one (ILI9488 … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : graphic update
Something that bothered me for a long time already, was the color-scheme and overal presentation of the icons.Those TFT-screen do have a tendency to “discolor” the whole screen, when you look at them under an angle. With my new color … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : Valentine update
even tough it’s Sunday, I don’t have a lot of time to do some coding …Today was a Sunday the Christel had to work half a day, and it’s also Valentine !So, This morning I managed to repair the 22″ … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : Current status
Now that I’m finally able to take descent screenshots, It’s time to dive into the current status of this project.A lot of things have changed since the beginning of this project, so the “good quality” screenshots, do also contain some … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : technical chit-chat
*Caution: this posting contains a bit of technical inside of the LocoMotion project*Previous weekend, I did not post anything !Some of you became worried that this project was not getting the attention it deserved. Nothing like that, I have been … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : website online
While having only a few spare hours today, I managed to create a sub-part for the LocoMotion device.You can directly reach this part of the website via You can find the build-adventure, inside information, and firmware downloads …
LocoMotion – The build : captive portal
I needed a way to let the user change settings, without an actual connection to a WiFi network. (not only for first time setup, but also if something goes wrong along the way) The idea was to build a “captive … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : hardware and coding
Because I needed lots of buttons, and the LilyGo TTGO T8 module is somewhat limited in the numbers of IO-pins(as every ESP32 module), I decided what everybody would do in my situation.I added some PCF8575 (16-bit) and PCF8574 (8-bit) I2C … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : communication (with EcoS II) and screen testing
Today I managed to start the communication protocol with the EcoS II over wifi. Here is the description of the EcoS II communication protocolIt’s rather an old document (version 3, dated June 2011) but I assure you that this is … Continue reading
LocoMotion – The build : battery testing
On the weekend of January – 16/17 – 2021, I started with writing down my ideas for the LocoMotion controller. I already decided on large parts of the hardware, and as I had already some parts laying around, I started … Continue reading
LocoMotion – A little bit of history
Since I was a little kid, I was fascinated by model railroading … I had a (large) layout at my grandparents house.As I grow older, school, studies and girls got the upperhand of my interest.Until around 2004, when I suffered … Continue reading